budget of $101 million for pakistan to strengthen democracy fight terrorism the and stabilise country, s economy , US assistant secretary of state Donald Lu told a congressional panel on tuesday.
lu, s statement came as he presented a written budget request for south and Central asian affairs to the house of Representatives foreign affairs committee.
he said that pakistan was facing ongoing challenges and opportunities in light of which the requested funding would strengthen democracy fight terrorism and stabilise the economy by supporting economic reforms and debt mangement .
The president Budget requests a straight lining of our $101 million pakistan budget lu said that mony would be used to strengthen democracy and civil society to fight terrorism and violent extremism and debt management to help stabilise pakistan,s econmy''.
The US has consistently pushed pakistan to uphold dmeocratic values last month the US of Representatives adopted a resolution by an overwhelming majority in the US congress expressing Conserns about the state of democracy and human rights in pakistan islamabad responded strongly rejecting the concerns as unfounded .
similarly .washington has repeatedly emphasised its shared interest with pakistan in addressing the cirtical threat that terrorism poses to the entire region.
Budget request to prevent islamabad,s overreliance on beijing .
The president budget according to the budget request documents was seeking a total of $1.01 billion in foreign assistance for the south and central asia region to comopete with the people republic of china PRC counter russian and chinese disinformation and prevent terrorist groups from threatening the US security".
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