PM. delays cabinet meet to take up PTI ban

 ISLAMABAD : An important cabinet meeting which was expected to considers the issue of banning the opposition PTI today (Tuesday ) was postponed due to the prime minister hectic schedule ' PM House sources said.

The meeting was called off on Monday even though it had been reported that  the apex  body would deliberate upon the proposal issue for the ruling coalition

Media reports suggested the cabinet has been asked for approval of proceeding against former President Arif Alvi former prime minster  imran khan and former NA deputy speaker Qasim suri under article of 6 The constitution..

An official told down that prime minster shehbaz Sharif has postponed the meeting due to his hectic schedule on tuesday .

He said the meeting could now be held the next day ( wednesday .

The government has already announced plans to ban PTI from politics and try its leader for sedition over charges of violating the constiution.

last week  federal  minister for information and broadcasting attaullah Tarar told the  media that PTI had been involved in anti state activites  since 2014 and was responsible for sevral deaths on different occasions especially during protests against the government and  state institutions. 

The prime minster had  blamed the rival party for the fataity that accoured

during the peace held in bannu last week.
